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Restauranttopia: A Show for Local Independent Restaurants

May 28, 2022

Episode 112 Menu Costing, the Best Way, the Easy Way and What You’ll Need to Get Started   Join other independent restaurant owners and professionals on our VIP Text Club and get access to exclusive content, industry news, deals, insights, announcements, pro-tips, and more!


May 21, 2022

The Art and Science of an LTO Limited Time Offer   Join other independent restaurant owners and professionals on our VIP Text Club and get access to exclusive content, industry news, deals,...

May 9, 2022

Letter of Intent / Term Sheet to Buy a Restaurant

A letter of intent or a term sheet to buy a restaurant is a great tool to ensure that the basic outline of your agreement is clear. A term sheet is valuable and saves both time and money for everyone involved. The term sheet will identify the basic terms of the...