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Restauranttopia: A Show for Local Independent Restaurants

Dec 27, 2020



Missing an appointment, overlooking a prep item or even forgetting about an important request off may seem like small things but can have a major impact on your people. 


While some things may not be at the top of...

Dec 19, 2020

Guest: Mr. Chip Klose

Chip Klose Creative

Restaurant Strategy Podcast

For me so much of this starts with shifting your mindset. Yes there are things we can do… tactics we can put into practice, but none...

Dec 12, 2020

For me so much of this starts with shifting your mindset. Yes there are things we can do… tactics we can put into practice, but none of them will work very well without a strategy. So that’s why my podcast is called RESTAURANT STRATEGY… and in fact I very often say on the show: “marketing of the thing can’t...

Dec 5, 2020

Episode 36: Interview with Bruce Nelson, author of Restaurant Management: The Myth, the Magic, the Math


Bruce Nelson’s restaurant career spans over four decades and includes working...